Video: St. Louis exotic dealership employee nailed for 150 mph test drives on YouTube

Posted on 4 February, 2010

St. Louis Motorsports high-speed test drive 

People… people! How many times do we have to tell you not to brag about your illegal activities on the Internet? The latest to run afoul of this bit of common-sense is an employee at St. Louis Motorsports, an exotic car dealership. The offense? Driving dealer-owned Lamborghini and Ferrari models at speeds of up to 150 mph on public roads. In the slow lane. As you can already predict, the local Chesterfield police didn’t pull over the Italian exotic-driving dealer employee – he incriminated himself by recording his high-speed escapades and posting them on YouTube. Genius.

Equally predictably, the city’s local Fox affiliate went to St. Louis Motorsports owner Jim Mills to ask him if he knew that his driver had been speeding. His explanation? He says that the offending driver was a rogue employee and that he has since been reprimanded. Mills also said he was not aware that the driver was driving at a high rate of speed – even though the dealership was aware of the videos. Sounds a bit like horse dung to us. We’re not altogether sure what Mills means by “reprimanded,” but if it was one of our employees caught driving one of our $200,000 vehicles, they’d be kicked to the curb with a quickness. If that employee’s actions later led to a visit from the Fox affiliate, well, we’d fire them twice.