Car Insurance: what affects insurance premiums

Posted on 1 February, 2012

Car insurance is a must for any one that drives. Without it, you will not only be breaking the law, you will also risk immense costs if anything such as a road incident were to occur.

There are an array of insurance companies that provide such a cover and all offer different levels of cover suitable for different circumstances. For example, you may be looking for a cover that insures you as the only named driver. You may also be looking for a cover that lists several third party drivers.

This is why it is important to shop around. If you don’t, you will more than likely end up paying for a cover that doesn’t cover enough of your needs – or otherwise too many things that you don’t actually need!

The price of a car insurance cover usually depends on both your age and your driving record. You should have a look at car insurance for students to see if you are eligible. If you have a clean record and you are over a certain age, then there will most likely be a great deal out there. You do, however, also need to address the vehicle you own as this could greatly affect the price of cover. For example, a highly powerful vehicle that has received many modifications is placed at a higher risk to that of a small and reliable vehicle.

Cover tends to go up and down depending on your record and many insurance polices offer a no claims bonuses. Those that are insured as a third party driver can still receive these no claims with certain providers, which again suggests shopping around is a great idea!

Looking online is the best place to get an idea of the type of cover available. Many sites will in fact do all the work for you! Simply enter in your criteria and they will search the many providers available in order to come up with a cover that suits both the user’s needs and their monthly allowance.