F1 2012 – Ferrari F2012 launch – Technical explanations with Tombazis
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F1 news, HD photos and more on our website www.nextgen-auto.com
www.f1fanatic.co.uk Flyover of the Ferrari F2012, Ferrari’s 2012 F1 car launched today.
Here’s a flyover preview of the Ferrari F2012 F1 car. See more, including 2000px super images comparing the F2012 and F150 Italia, at AUSmotive.com.
Ferrari F2012 Launch Presentation The New Car from Alonso and Massa. Thanks on Ferrari.com
Visit www.f1zone.net for the latest F1 news
The New Scuderia Ferrari F2012 + Plus interviews with Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa
www.youcar.tv This exceptional event was captured on camera of Ferrari.com, who followed this very special day for Markku Alen on the Arjeplog track, in Northern Sweden, about 100 km South of the Artic Circle. The track is probably the most challenging surface for Ferrari’s latest 12-cylinder which features an innovative 4RM four-wheel drive system that has fascinated the international press and clients, and was highly praised by Markku, the Finnish ice track specialist and winner of the World Rally Championship in 1978. At temperatures between -15° and -30° Celsius on the steep inclines and challenging corners of the 14km “Forest” track, Markku Alen was able to test the FF to extremes, particularly the car’s traction on surfaces with extremely low grip
Markku Alen tests Ferrari FF in Northern Sweden www.gtspirit.com